Who may use the library?
The Wamego Public Library will serve all residents of the community and surrounding area according to the state statutes and contracts. Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic, or political status; or because of mental, emotional, or physical condition; age; or sexual orientation.
The use of the library may be denied for due cause. Such cause may be failure to return library materials or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other illegal, disruptive, or objectionable conduct on library premises.
The Wamego Public Library offers more than just a building filled with books. We offer a variety of public utilities in keeping with our mission to enrich our community.
- Print, Copy, Fax and Scan
- Meeting Rooms
- Proctoring Services
- Community Bulletin Board
- Notary
Printing and Copying:
We have a photocopier and six public, internet-access computers available.
You must have a library card or you may use your driver’s license or picture ID to use the computers.
Printing is accessible from our Wi-Fi connection, including from mobile devices.
8.5″ x 11″ (letter)
- $.15 – Black & white, each side
- $.50 – Color, each side
8.5″ x 14″ (legal)
- $.20 – Black & white, each side
- $.75 – color, each side
11″ x 17″ (ledger)
- $.30 – Black & white, each side
- $1.00 – color, each side
- US – $1.00 per page
- Canada & Mexico – $2.00 per page
- Free, sent to your email as a PDF or JPG
The Wamego Public Library encourage public use of meeting rooms, creating a place where people may gather to learn and participate in community activities. Please contact the library or fill out our Meeting Room Reservation Form to reserve a meeting room.
Meeting Room Policy
The Wamego Public Library’s meeting room is used primarily for library-related programming. When available, it can also be reserved in advance at no charge to individuals and groups for cultural, civic, intellectual and informal educational purposes. The Library reserves meeting rooms on a first-come, first-served basis, as scheduling permits. The right of a group to meet in the public library does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by the Wamego Public Library. WPL activities and services take precedence over scheduling of meeting rooms for other groups.
Rules of Use
All use of library meeting rooms must be approved by the Library Director.
Groups utilizing a meeting room will be required to sign and accept the entire WPL Meeting Room Policy before completing the reservation. The individual signing must be an adult and is responsible for the orderly conduct of the group. In the event of any damage to library property and/or equipment, that individual will be liable.
Public use of meeting rooms may not interfere with the library’s operations. Library policies regarding patron behavior apply to meeting room use. Children must have adequate adult supervision.
Meeting rooms are available for public use when the library is open, but must be vacated 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of closing.
(Monday-Thursday at 6:45 pm, Friday at 4:45 pm, and Saturday at 12:45 pm)
Up to three consecutive meetings may be scheduled at one time. Reservations may be made up to 6 months in advance. To be fair to all, we reserve the right to limit groups to one meeting per month.
Room set-up is each group’s responsibility. The room must be left in the condition in which it was found unless other instructions are given.
Meetings planned as commercial endeavors or to advertise products or services are prohibited.
All meetings are free and open to the public. Non-library groups are not permitted to engage in fund-raising activities, solicit donations or charge fees for admission to programs held on library premises other than to recover food costs associated with the meeting when applicable. Club dues are other shared costs within an organization are not considered fees.
Only the Library or the Friends of the Library may sponsor fund-raising activities in the library meeting rooms.
The Wamego Public Library offers proctoring services when staff and space are available.
Proctoring services are typically available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am – 11:00 am.
We require you to schedule the proctoring one week in advance and pay the $20.00 deposit that will be returned upon completion of the exam.
We require that students requesting proctoring services, please fill out the Proctoring Request Form, and return it to the library or email it to info@wamegopubliclibrary.com
Official Proctoring Policies
The Wamego Public Library supports life-long learning, and as such, may proctor online or written examinations. This service is based on the availability of personnel, facilities, and technology and must not compromise other library services.
Students requesting free proctor services must be Wamego Public Library cardholders in good standing (no outstanding fees). At the time of the exam, the student must present a valid picture I.D.
The Library does not charge for providing proctoring services; however, a $20.00 deposit is required at least one week prior to the date of the exam. The deposit will be returned upon completion of the exam.
Students who miss a scheduled examination time or arrive more than 15 minutes late, will forfeit the $20.00 deposit.
The student will be responsible for any incidental costs, such as postage to mail back the exam. Payment of costs will be due prior to the examinations.
Scheduling Appointments
All librarians, full and part-time, are able to proctor exams, as allowed by their work schedule.
Students must make an appointment at least one week prior to testing.
Students are responsible for calling or emailing the library prior to the exam to make sure the text or login information has arrived.
The Library cannot guarantee a quiet environment for the exam; no private rooms are available.
The Library cannot guarantee that the proctor will remain in the room with the student for the entire duration of the test.
The Library reserves the right to deny a proctoring request that is beyond the library’s ability to administer.
Proctors will enforce any time limits that are placed on the exam, as well as other rules set forth in the examination materials.
The use of cell phones or visiting with others is prohibited.
Any perceived violation of the posted rules for the exam will be reported to the educational institution.
Librarians will not sign a proctoring verification that attests to more than the staff member has been able to do.
The Library reserves the right to substitute a proctor in the event of the original proctor’s absence.
The purpose of the Wamego Public Library’s community bulletin boards is to provide the residents of the Wamego community with information on cultural and educational activities as well as other activities of local interest.
All materials for the bulletin board must be initialed and dated by a staff member. Notices posted or left on tables without authorization will be removed and recycled.
Materials accepted for posting should be no larger than 11″ x 17″. Smaller posters and flyers are accepted and encouraged.
One copy of each announcement will be posted.
Notices of events will be removed after the event has taken place.
Posting without a specific date will be displayed for a reasonable length of time, as determined by the library, and then removed. Once items are removed, they are recycled.
No petitions.
Posters and announcements left at the Library become the property of the Library and cannot be returned.
Notices advocating fraud or unlawful actions or notices the library considers to be inappropriate are not permitted.
All materials submitted for posting are subject to the review of the Library Director.
Posting of notice does not imply endorsement by Wamego Public Library; nor will the Library accept responsibility for the accuracy of the statements made in such materials.
Wamego Public Library now has a Free Public Notary.