Computer and Internet Use Policies

Universal Provisions

  • The Library provides public access to the Internet in a variety of ways. 
  • Users of Library networks receive data at their own risk; furthermore, the Library takes no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, comprehensiveness or usability of websites or materials accessed over Library networks or the Internet.
  • The Library is a public place used by people of all ages. Individuals are expected to use discretion in viewing text or graphics that may be offensive to others.

Computer & Internet Use

  • The Library prohibits use of the Internet for any illegal purpose. No person may: send, receive, view, or download any illegal material; degrade or disrupt equipment or system performance; vandalize the data of any other user; invade the privacy of individuals; violate federal, state, or local copyright laws or regulations (US Code Title 17.).
  • The viewing of pages which display graphic pornography is inappropriate for a public and open environment and is prohibited at all times. No user may access, create or display information that is obscene as defined by Kansas law (KSA 21 4301 (KSA 21 4301C.) Staff will actively intervene when they observe such behavior or it is brought to their attention.
  • Library users must sign in to use Library workstations. Computer users must present a valid Library card to sign up. Computers are available on a first-come-first-served basis. WPL limits individuals to a maximum of 1 hour of computer use per day.
  • Access to public computers is prohibited for Library patrons that have currently accrued fines and fees of $3 of more on their Library account. 
  • Only one person at a time may use a Library workstation.
  • Computer printing charge ($.15 per page for black and white, $.50 for color) is assessed to cover the cost of paper and ink cartridges. Users will be charged for ALL pages printed. Users who provide their own paper must pay full printing charge.
  • To guard against the deliberate or unknowing introduction of computer viruses into Library PCs, files may not be permanently downloaded onto Library computer hard drives.
  • The public is not allowed access to the computer’s operating system, general software or hard drives. Web access computers and software are secured and must be used as installed. Tampering with PC security which protects computers is prohibited.
  • Activities which disrupt the Library or its network are prohibited. The Library reserves the right to limit chat, gaming, and other Internet activities that are disruptive or not in keeping with the Library’s purpose.
  • Library Staff Members are not responsible for computer equipment, software malfunctions, or lost data.
  • The Library strives to keep computers working and available. However, Library computers may be unavailable to the public due to maintenance, upgrade, training or other reasons.
  • Library public computers must be shutdown 15 minutes PRIOR to Library closing.

Internet Policy for the Wamego Public Library

Public access to the Internet and online services has become an integral part of the WPL’s programs and services. The intent of this policy is to meet the provisions of the Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act, as well as provide guidelines for patrons and staff regarding online computer use of Internet accessible computers. 

The purpose of the Internet Safety Policy of WPL is to implement and enforce technology protection measures to: ensure that no minor has access to visual depictions that are child pornography, harmful to minors, obscene; and ensure that no person has access to visual depictions that are child pornography or obscene while using a public access computer. 

Developed under the direction of the Board of the WPL, this Internet Safety Policy was discussed and adopted during an open meeting of the Library Board on June 14, 2016. This policy supersedes all previous Internet Safety Policy statements of WPL and is effective on June 14, 2016. This policy document will be reviewed by the WPL Board at least every three years.

Legal Requirements

WPL’s Internet Safety Policy complies with the applicable requirements of subsection (b) and L. 2013, ch. 98, sec. 1, and amendments thereto, commonly known as the Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). 

WPL has in place a policy of Internet Safety for minors, including the operation of a technology protection measure or other process that blocks or filters online access to visual depictions that are child pornography, harmful to minors or obscene as defined in L. 2013, ch. 98, sec. 1. 

Supervision and Monitoring

Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled only for bona fide research or other lawful purpose.

It shall be the responsibility of all members of WPL staff to supervise and monitor usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy and the Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act.

Supervision of a child’s access to the Internet is ultimately the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Parents or guardians who do not want their minor children to have access to the Internet may request that their child be blocked from Internet access on Library computers.

Children 12 years of age and under must pass an Internet Safety Quiz before using computers.

Patrons who encounter web sites which they believe should be blocked but which are not, or who are prevented from accessing web sites which they believe should not be blocked may submit a suggested change. This should be given in writing to the Library Director in charge and include the URL of the site in question and whether the request is to block or unblock it. Staff shall examine the site and determine whether it should be blocked or unblocked. If the technology protection measure being used is a regional service, the information and recommendation shall be forwarded to the appropriate regional staff.

Concerns about enforcement of this policy or observed patron behavior which violate this policy shall also be submitted in writing to the Library Director, providing as much detail as possible.

The Library shall inform patrons of the provisions of this policy, including standards used and procedures for complaint, in print at the circulation desk.
The effective date of the last review of this policy is June 14, 2016.

Access to the Library's Wireless Networks

  • When available and convenient, the public may use electric outlets for personal computer equipment. Phone lines or hardwired network connections for networking of personal hardware are not available.
  • Library Staff Members are not responsible for individuals’ personal computer equipment, software malfunctions or lost data. WiFi users should be certain that their laptops and other devices are secure at all times and should never be left unattended in the Library, even for brief periods of time. Theft of such devices is not the responsibility of the Library.
  • As with most public wireless “hot spots”, this wireless connection is not secure. Another wireless user can potentially intercept any information being transmitted. The Library recommends that you do not transmit personal information such as credit card numbers and other personal identification numbers, or other sensitive information while using any unsecured wireless internet connection. WiFi users assume all risks and responsibilities to provide anti-virus software protection and appropriate security settings on their laptops. 
  • The Library strives to keep WiFi access points working, available, and functional for all. However, bandwidth and transmission speed may be affected due to the number of wireless users actively online, maintenance, upgrade, training or other reasons. 
  • All provisions of the WPL Computer Use Policy, unless specifically contradicted in this section or logically incompatible, apply equally to the use of the wireless networks.
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